Our Building & History
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The existing Eureka Veterans Memorial Building is a cast-in place concrete, steel, and wood building built in 1930. On Jan. 9, 2010, Humboldt County experienced an earthquake that damaged the Eureka Veterans Building, resulting in spalling of the concrete walls in many areas, extensive cracking, and damage to the roof and finishes. The California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services committed to provided 75% of the Earthquake Damage Project costs.

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Cannon with the Vets Hall in the background

Cannon with the Vets Hall in the background

Closeup of the cannon's muzzle

Cannon with the Vets Hall in the background
WWII Era Cannon
The cannon located to the right of the building is a Japanese World War II-era cannon. Blue Ox Millworks restored the deteriorated and damaged wooden spoke wheels.
Our Building's Exterior
History of
The existing exterior finishing on the building replicates the art deco and moderne design of the late-1920s era. The building is of unusual construction, consisting of a concrete exterior, with a heavy steel frame and wood roof and floor construction. Exterior paint colors were selected to accentuate the architectural features of the building. The original lighting fixtures on H Street were removed, restored and reinstalled to their original positions. The doors at the main entrance are original and were stripped and restored to a dark patina. New bronze doors, left to patina naturally, were added at both the newly accessible H Street entrance and the basement entrance on 10th Street.

Bronze Plaque Mounted near the Front Entrance

Detail View Highlighting Front Entrance Columns

Freshly-Painted American Eagle

Bronze Plaque Mounted near the Front Entrance

Ironwork Detail

View of the hallway on the basement level, facing south

Architectural Embellishments

Ironwork Detail
Honor & 10th St Entrance
Hall of
The walkway from the sidewalk to the 10th Street side entrance was completely reconstructed, creating a second ADA-accessible entrance to the building. Inside the entry door is an added switchback sloped walkway created for ease of accessibility. The raised plinths at the columns and the lit niches in the walls were created for the veterans managing the building to display memorabilia and historic photos. This turned an accessible pathway into an important feature of the building—a Hall of Honor and the motif continues down the hallway. To the left of the sloped walkway is a new set of wood-framed stairs providing an egress from above and access from the main floor of the building.New decorative elements were added to the Hall of Honor and basement hallway areas, including the cast headers and columns. These elements were fashioned to harmonize with the original design elements, but not imitate them.

Plaque on the south wall in the lobby

View from the lobby, looking up to the mezzanine level

Plaque on the north wall in the lobby

Plaque on the south wall in the lobby
Lobby of Veterans Memorial
Inside the
The lobby has been restored to its original grandeur. Decorative architectural plasterwork and painting were restored, and the terrazzo gray and brown floor with marble chips was refinished. A memorial placard to Humboldt County Vietnam War Veterans from 1964-1975 adorns the south wall. A memorial placard for Humboldt County World War II Veterans who lost their lives from 1941-1945 adorns the north wall.
ADA Accessible Ramp
The parking was redesigned, providing for Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) van-accessible spaces at both the north and south parking areas. Adjacent to the south parking stall is a curved sloped walkway which makes the new H Street entrance of the building accessible. Access to the basement from parking to the north is provided by new accessible walkways.

ADA-Accessible Ramp, Looking North

ADA-Accessible Ramp

Some of the ornate iron work that appears throughout the building and its exterior

ADA-Accessible Ramp, Looking North
Parking &

Iron Lighting Sconces, restored by Humboldt County Public Works

View of the rotunda showing the ornate skylight and railings

Rotunda view highlighting the columns and embellishments

Iron Lighting Sconces, restored by Humboldt County Public Works
In Our Mezzanine
The rotunda can be accessed by elevator or stairs and opens to the lobby below. The plaster dome was in poor condition with areas of water damage and holes where plaster had disintegrated. The tympanums in the arches in the dome have stylized painted foliate designs, painstakingly restored along with all of the decorative painted plasterwork. This was done with historical accuracy by ACGC’s subcontractor Spectra Company. The stylized ornate iron railing has been restored, as well. The original linoleum flooring was replaced.
The glory of the rotunda is the magnificent dome with picturesque stained glass skylight, originally built by M.E. Cookson. The skylight was filthy with 85 years of dust and debris. It was carefully cleaned from above. From the center of the stained glass hangs the original chandelier.
Adorning the walls are the historic and ornate iron lighting sconces, restored by skilled Humboldt County Public Works staff.
The Mezzanine’s adjoining rooms are used by veterans for office space. The new elevator’s mechanical space is here, as well. Original Philippine mahogany interior wood finishes were left with their natural coloring.